
In addition to our high quality accountancy solutions, we have a number of specialist services
In addition to our high quality accountancy solutions, we have a number of specialist services


There may be times when the skills of a typical high street accountancy practice is not sufficient for you and your needs.
We offer a range of services that can be used as part of our normal accountancy offering, by working alongside your current accountant.
Our specialisms include:
If you would like to arrange a free no obligation chat, click here. For more information on how we can help, email us on info@klasltd.com or call 0151 459 1300.
“The KLAS team were brilliant, and they managed to obtain a substantial tax refund, this I would never have achieved had it not been for the knowledge and expertise KLAS offer to their clients”

"We aim to become the trusted partners you can always rely on"

"We aim to become the trusted partners you can always rely on"

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